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Prairie Dog Removal

Prairie Dog Removal in Phoenix, AZ, | Critter Bros

Is your yard dotted with large mounds of kicked-up dirt and burrow holes? Is something digging underneath your porch, shed, deck, or into your crawl space? You might have a prairie dog infestation on your property in Phoenix, AZ. Our experts provide humane prairie dog removal services in Phoenix and the surrounding areas.

Prairie dogs are small, stout rodents, known for living in large colonies called “Prairie dog towns” and living underground in massive burrow structures. 

Prairie dog burrows can destroy the landscape on your property, and both homes and businesses are at risk. Prairie dog towns will also clear out your vegetation, which can ruin your garden or crop yield. 

Prairie dogs carry several parasites like fleas and ticks, as well as serious illnesses like the bubonic plague. Always leave prairie dog removal services to the experts at Critter Bros.

Critter Bros can trap and remove entire Prairie dog towns and help you take back your property from these destructive burrowing rodents. Contact our team today to get started with a FREE estimate at 602-813-6354! 

What Are Prairie Dogs?

black-tailed prairie dog

Prairie dogs are small, stout rodents, closely related to other burrowing rodents like groundhogs, marmots, ground squirrels and gophers. Prairie dogs are around 12-14 inches long, and weigh around 1-3 pounds. Prairie dogs have reddish brown fur that helps them blend in with the dirt they nest in.

Prairie dogs have short ears and large eyes, and you can identify them by their small, rounded heads. 

Arizona is home to two different prairie dog species: 

  • Gunnison’s Prairie Dogs, who live in the northern part of Arizona 
  • Black-tailed Prairie Dogs, which live in the southern part of the state 

You might confuse prairie dogs with other burrowing rodent species, but prairie dogs have a distinct combination of characteristics to look out for: prairie dogs are smaller than marmots and groundhogs, they possess flat tails unlike the bushy tails of the ground squirrel, and they have smaller, less prominent teeth than gophers.                       

Are Prairie Dogs Dangerous?

Prairie dogs can be dangerous, as they can spread diseases like plague, tularemia, and tetanus. Additionally, prairie dogs also host several parasites that they can spread like fleas, ticks, and mites. Prairie dog burrows also pose a unique danger, as they are often taken over by dangerous animals like rattlesnakes and black widow spiders

Prairie dogs are generally not aggressive but can bite or scratch when they are cornered, threatened, or handled. Never attempt to remove a prairie dog yourself, always leave prairie dog removal to the experts at Critter Bros.

Prairie Dog Tunnel Damage

Prairie dogs are highly social animals that live in large communities called “towns”, and these towns can extend for dozens of acres. A prairie dog town extending onto your property can be catastrophic, as prairie dogs will leave behind large dirt mounds and open holes on your property, which can lead to tripping hazards for people and livestock.

Prairie dog burrows are literally hollowing out the ground, so farm equipment, lawn care equipment, and even structures like decks, sheds, and home foundations are put at risk of sinking. 

Prairie dogs can also destroy your garden, as they feast on bulbs and roots, and they also tend to clear out plants to gain a clear line of sight to spot predators. Prairie dog tunnels can also disrupt root systems, which can kill your garden plants.

How To Get Rid of Prairie Dogs In Your Yard

Trapping is the most effective method of Prairie Dog removal in Phoenix, AZ. Prairie dogs, similar to groundhogs, are very clever critters that will not fall for traps easily. Prairie dogs will adapt to most DIY trapping and control methods very quickly, so the best way to get rid of prairie dogs on your property is to contact the experts at Critter Bros. Our team is armed with the experience, training, and equipment to quickly and effectively solve your prairie dog problem. 

After we trap and remove all the prairie dogs on your property, we can provide you with wildlife fencing installed around the perimeters of your yard, home foundation, deck, porch, shed, or garden to keep prairie dogs out. We will bury this fencing deep in the ground, and secure it with concrete to prevent burrowing underneath it. Contact us at 602-813-6354 or submit a form for a free prairie dog removal estimate in Phoenix, AZ, and the surrounding areas.  

prairie dog standing up
prairie dog family
prairie dog standing over burrow

Prairie Dog Removal Near Me | Critter Bros in Phoenix, AZ

Call us at 602-813-6354 or submit the contact form below to schedule a free prairie dog removal estimate in Phoenix, AZ, and the surrounding areas.

Get Prairie Dog Removal Estimate

Prairie Dog Removal Cost

The cost of prairie dog trapping and removal is variable, based on several factors, including: 

  • The size of the property 
  • The location of the property 
  • The species of prairie dog 
  • The severity of the prairie dog infestation 
  • Where the prairie dogs are burrowing 

That’s why our team offers FREE estimates, so we can send one of our technicians out to inspect your property before providing you with a specialized quote tailored to your exact scenario. Contact us today to get started at 602-813-6354!

Prairie Dog Pest Control in Phoenix, AZ

Prairie dogs are a very destructive nuisance pest, known for creating large systems of underground tunnels, complemented by large dirt mounds and entry holes that can severely damage your yard, garden and landscaping efforts. Prairie dog tunnels can pose a tripping hazard, kill off your garden plants or vegetable crops, and can lead to crucial structures like your home’s foundation sinking into the earth. 

Additionally, prairie dog burrows can invite harmful creatures like rattlesnakes and black widow spiders to burrow on your property, and prairie dogs themselves can spread harmful diseases like plague and tularemia, and harmful parasites like fleas and ticks. We offer FREE estimates, so Contact Critter Bros today for the best prairie dog pest control services in the Phoenix, AZ area. 

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