Skunk Removal
Skunk Removal in Phoenix, AZ, | Critter Bros
Skunks are common nuisance wildlife in the Phoenix area, preferring to stick close to humans, as our homes and properties provide them with plenty of opportunities for food, water, and shelter. Skunks can easily be identified by their jet-black fur with white stripes, prominent front paws for digging, large, bushy tails, and the awful scent they will spray when threatened. Skunks will dig underneath your porch, deck, or shed to make their dens, and they are also known to rip up your lawn in search of grubs to eat. Contact us for the best skunk removal services in Phoenix and the surrounding areas.
When a skunk or family of skunks has decided that your property is their new home, they will begin spraying to mark their territory. This foul scent can be unbearable to deal with and is the biggest sign that skunks have invaded your yard. Don’t worry, Critter Bros can help. Our team of wildlife removal technicians has years of experience with skunk removal in Phoenix, AZ, and the surrounding areas. Our technicians are highly trained to remove skunks safely and humanely without a spraying incident.
Critter Bros offers FREE skunk trapping and removal estimates in Phoenix, AZ. Call us at 602-813-6354 or submit a contact form to schedule a free skunk removal inspection.
How To Get Rid of Skunks In Your Yard
Skunks will wander into your yard in search of food and shelter. Skunks are opportunistic omnivores that will eat anything they come across. Trapping is the most effective skunk removal method if you have a skunk causing damage to your property. Contact us for a free skunk trapping estimate.
Skunks are deemed a nuisance if they cause property damage or pose a threat to people and pets. In addition to trapping and removal, homeowners can make their yards are unappealing to skunks as possible. Skunks love eating garbage, so homeowners should make sure their bins are secured. Skunks will also eat garden vegetables, so homeowners should cover and protect their crops. Lastly, homeowners should secure all stored pet food and birdseed. If you’ve noticed damage from skunks or other critters contact us at 602-813-6354 or submit a contact form to schedule a free skunk removal estimate in Phoenix and the surrounding areas. After removing the nuisance animal our expert can also provide skunk exclusion services.
How To Get Rid of Skunks Under House
Skunks naturally build their dens underground commonly under homes, patios, sheds, and other suburban structures. While an amazing opportunity to observe nature, skunk burrows can also cause serious damage. Skunk dens can lead to structural instability, so it’s best to have them removed as soon as possible. If there’s an animal burrowing under your house the most effective method of removal is trapping. Contact our experts at 602-813-6354 or submit a contact form to schedule a free skunk trapping estimate in Phoenix and the surrounding areas. We also offer wildlife exclusion services to fortify your property and prevent animals from burrowing under your house in the future.
Who Do I Call to Get Rid of Skunks?
Animal control will remove skunks from public spaces, like parks or roads. However, to remove skunks from residential properties in Phoenix you should call a professional wildlife removal company like Critter Bros. Our licensed team of wildlife control operators provide humane skunk trapping and removal services in Phoenix. Skunks will spray when they are cornered, scared, or improperly handled. Handling skunks is HIGHLY UNADVISED because they are one of the most prominent carriers of rabies in the United States. If you or your pet is bitten or scratched by a skunk, treat it as a potential rabies exposure. Skunks also transmit other diseases like tularemia and leptospirosis. They’re common hosts for parasites like ticks, fleas, and mites which can transmit Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. To mitigate the risk of being sprayed or contracting diseases, it’s best to leave skunk removal to the experts. Contact us at 602-813-6354 or submit a contact form for professional skunk removal services.
How To Keep Skunks Away
Once the skunk(s) have been removed from your property you should make your yard as unappealing as possible to keep them away. Secure all food sources such as fallen fruit, pet food, birdseed, and garbage cans. Place bird feeders high enough that skunks can’t reach them. Clean up any spilled seeds regularly. Keep your lawn trimmed and clear piles of wood, leaves, or other debris where skunks could hide. Block access to sheds, decks, and crawl spaces where skunks may seek shelter. Any existing skunk burrows or holes should be filled. Regularly inspect your yard for any signs of skunks returning, such as new burrows or droppings.
Critter Bros offers comprehensive skunk deterrent and exclusion services. We recommend wildlife barrier installation after removing burrowing animals. Wildlife barriers are strong metal screened fences that are dug deep into the ground and secured with concrete to prevent critters from burrowing under foundations, sheds, decks etc. Call us today at 602-813-6354!
Skunk Removal Near Me | Critter Bros in Phoenix, AZ
Call us at 602-813-6354 or submit the contact form below for the best skunk removal services in Phoenix, AZ, and the surrounding areas.
Get Skunk Removal Estimate
Cost of Skunk Removal in Phoenix, AZ
The cost of skunk trapping and removal varies from customer to customer, depending on the exact situation. Deciding factors include the amount of skunks, the location of the skunks, and the specifications of the property.
That’s why Critter Bros offers FREE estimates to our valued customers in the Phoenix, Arizona area. One of our wildlife control operators will come out and thoroughly inspect your entire property, including problem areas like decks, porches, sheds, crawl spaces, and home foundations. Afterward, our technician will provide you with a specialized quote for skunk trapping and removal, as well as any damage remediation or wildlife exclusions that are needed.
Best Skunk Trapping and Removal Near Me
If you have skunks denning underneath your deck, porch, or shed, don’t ignore them. Skunks can spray you or your pets with their powerful, foul-smelling spray, and they can also spread diseases like rabies, leptospirosis, and tularemia.
Contact Critter Bros today for the best skunk trapping and removal in Phoenix, AZ. Trust our highly-trained technicians to humanely remove all skunks from your property without anyone or anything getting sprayed. In addition to skunk trapping and removal, we also offer skunk exclusions and wildlife barriers. We can seal off any entry point that skunks were using to enter your home, and we can provide you with options to keep skunks out. Call us at 602-813-6354 or submit a contact form for the best skunk removal services in Phoenix and the surrounding areas.