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Woodpecker Removal

Woodpecker Removal in Phoenix, AZ | Critter Bros

Do you have woodpeckers drilling holes in your trees, deck, wooden outdoor furniture, or even your home itself? Arizona is home to several different species of woodpeckers, which is a special category of bird that uses their beaks to drill and peck holes within trees and wooden structures, searching for wood-destroying insects to feed on.  Woodpeckers will also drill against siding, roof shingles and downspouts on homes to signal to other woodpeckers that your home is their territory. 

Woodpeckers are also known to get inside your attics and exterior vents, where they can create a fire hazard with their dry, dead nesting material. 

The penalty for killing a woodpecker or leading to the death of a woodpecker can be several hundred dollars, so if you have woodpeckers causing issues on your property, contact the experts at Critter Bros. Our team of wildlife control operators can safely and humanely remove woodpeckers from your property, and provide you with pest control treatments and exclusionary measures to keep them from returning. Contact our team today to get started with a FREE estimate at 602-813-6354!

Woodpeckers of Arizona

Arizona is home to many different species of woodpecker, including 

  • Arizona Woodpecker: colored grayish-brown with white spots
  • Ladder-backed Woodpecker: known for their ladder-like markings
  • Acorn Woodpecker: known for their red cap and white face
  • Downy Woodpecker: known for their small size and white belly
  • Lewis’s Woodpecker: known for their pink belly and greenish back 
  • Hairy Woodpecker: similar to the Downy woodpecker, but larger 
  • American Three-toed Woodpecker: Colored black with white barring and three toes 
  • Red-naped Sapsucker: known for their red cap, nape and throat 
  • Williamson’s Sapsucker: known for their yellow belly and white wing patch   
  • Gilded Flicker: known for their yellow underwings 
  • Northern Flicker: known for their spotted belly


Woodpecker Damage

Woodpeckers are infamous for the damage they can do to trees, decks, and outdoor wooden furniture when they search for insects to eat. Wood-destroying insects like carpenter bees, carpenter ants, and termites will excavate your tree or wooden structure, and woodpeckers will come along and rapidly peck or drill at the wood, making the holes much larger so they can eat the insects within. 

If you have wooden siding or wooden boards on the exterior of your home, woodpeckers can drill holes in these surfaces, which can be unsightly and lead to further wind, rain, or pest damage in the future. Woodpeckers also exhibit a behavior known as “drumming”, where they drill on the loudest surfaces possible (think gutters, chimney caps, or AC units) to let other birds in the area know that your home is their territory. While this usually doesn’t cause any damage, the loud noise of their drilling can be a serious nuisance to homeowners.

Woodpecker Removal Services

Woodpeckers are migratory birds that are federally protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and must be treated with care. The penalty for killing woodpeckers can be hundreds or even thousands of dollars in fees, and even potentially jail time. Never attempt to remove woodpeckers yourself, always leave woodpecker removal to the experts at Critter Bros. Our team of licensed wildlife control operators have years of experience dealing with woodpeckers in the Phoenix area, so you can trust that we will safely, humanely, and legally solve your woodpecker problem. 

If you have woodpeckers nesting inside your dryer vent or attic, our team can safely remove these birds, as well as their nesting material.

Woodpecker Prevention

Woodpeckers are attracted to trees, decks, and other wooden structures on your home because of the wood-destroying insects that nest within. A good pest control program can help eliminate these insects, and without this source of food, woodpeckers are more likely to move on from your property. 

Woodpeckers can also be deterred with bird netting as well as bird spikes placed over areas where they would normally land. Visual repellents like streamers and balloons can prevent woodpeckers from wanting to get near your home.

To prevent woodpeckers from getting inside your dryer vent or any other exterior vents on your property, Critter Bros can provide you with a bird guard. Our team can also locate any other entry points on your home and seal them off, preventing these birds from getting inside your attic. 

two woodpeckers on a feeder

Woodpecker Removal Near Me | Critter Bros in Phoenix, AZ

Call us at 602-813-6354 or submit the contact form below for the best woodpecker removal service in Phoenix, AZ, and the surrounding Arizona areas.

Get Woodpecker Removal Estimate

Cost of Woodpecker Removal

The cost of woodpecker removal varies depending on the situation. Several factors have to be considered, including: 

  • The exact species of woodpecker causing the damage 
  • The location and size of the property 
  • The location of the woodpecker damage (trees, decks, cedar siding, etc.) 
  • The severity of the infestation 

Thankfully, Critter Bros offers FREE estimates in Phoenix, so our technicians can come out and carefully inspect your property, before providing you with a specialized quote tailored to your exact situation. Contact us today to get started at 602-813-6354!

Woodpecker Control in Phoenix

Woodpeckers are a destructive nuisance bird that can drill holes in cedar siding, trees, decks, and wooden outdoor furniture to forage for carpenter bees and other wood-destroying insects that may be inside.

Woodpeckers will also repeatedly drill on loud surfaces like gutters and downspouts to announce to other birds that your yard is their territory. Woodpeckers can also sometimes get inside your dryer vent or attic, which can lead to a fire hazard when they bring their dry, dead nesting material with them.

Woodpeckers are federally protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, so always leave woodpecker removal to the experts at Critter Bros. Our team can safely and legally remove woodpeckers from your property, and provide you with exclusions to keep them from returning. Contact us today to get started at 602-813-6354!

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