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Rat Control

Rat Control Services in Sacramento, CA

Critter Bros is your top choice for rat control services in the Sacramento, CA region. Known for their tendency to spread disease, raid pantries, contaminate food supplies and preparation surfaces, damage attic insulation, and chew through wooden beams and wires, rats can pose a serious threat to your home. With Critter Bros, you can rest assured knowing that our skilled technicians are licensed and equipped with the knowledge and experience to promptly and effectively address a rat infestation in your home in Sacramento, CA. 

Norway Rats vs Roof Rats

Two distinct species of rats are notorious for invading both residential and commercial properties: Norway rats and roof rats.

Norway rats:

– Are larger compared to roof rats
– Have brown fur
– Typically nest on the ground or in underground tunnels
– Are commonly found in basements or crawlspaces
– Dig rat holes in yards

Roof rats:

– Are smaller in size when compared to Norway rats
– Have black fur
– Are skilled climbers
– Prefer nesting inside trees, attic spaces, and rafters
– Are often discovered in bathrooms

Despite their contrasting characteristics, both these rat species are inclined to raid food stores, leave behind droppings and urine, and gnaw on various objects to manage the length of their teeth.

What Do Rats Eat?

Rats have a diverse diet, encompassing fruits, vegetables, seeds, meat, and even garbage. They are omnivorous and opportunistic by nature, which drives them to eat anything edible they can find. 

Within your kitchen, if cereal, grains, pet food, oats, vegetables, seeds, or fruit are stored in cardboard or soft plastic containers, rats will easily breach these barriers to access the food within. Additionally, they won’t hesitate to consume meat that has been left out or discarded. Crumbs or spills, particularly those containing grease or oil, are very enticing to rats.

Your yard can also serve as a buffet for these troublesome rodents. They’ll scour outdoor garbage cans for food scraps, target bowls of pet food left outside, and even indulge in compost heaps. Fallen fruit, nuts, and garden vegetables are also fair game.

As rats feed in your kitchen, they leave behind urine and feces, posing a risk of contaminating food supplies, pantries, and food preparation areas, potentially leading to illness. Protect yourself from these disease vectors by contacting Critter Bros today for rat pest control services in Sacramento, CA.

Rat Control Services Near Me

Rats are notorious rodent pests, wreaking havoc by spreading diseases, contaminating food supplies and preparation areas, gnawing on wooden beams and wires, posing fire hazards, and leaving their urine and feces throughout properties. Their rapid breeding rates can lead to an explosion in population seemingly overnight.

Don’t delay in reaching out to the licensed professionals at Critter Bros if you suspect a rat infestation on your property. Offering top-notch rat control and prevention services in the Sacramento, CA region, we provide the expertise needed to tackle these troublesome rodents. Contact us today for a FREE estimate at (916) 257-8739!

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(No Cats & Dogs)

Rats typically prefer to flee from encounters with humans and will not bite unless they are cornered and pushed to their limits. However, if you do corner a rat, it will lunge at you and bite you with its sharp, powerful teeth. Rats have the ability to carry the rabies virus, but cases of them transmitting rabies to humans is very rare. Rats do carry several other diseases, including: 

Rats are agile enough to climb up trees and downspouts, accessing your roof where they can exploit even the smallest crevices and openings in your shingles, soffit, and eaves to infiltrate your home. Once inside, they commence tearing apart attic insulation to construct their nests, contaminating it with urine and feces. Their relentless gnawing extends to wooden beams and the rubber insulation around wires, posing a significant risk of sparking a house fire.

Even worse, the presence of rats in your attic can attract predators such as snakes. Fortunately, Critter Bros offers rat control services in Sacramento, CA, providing a solution to eliminate these rodents before they inflict damage upon your attic.

Rats, as carriers of diseases, pose a threat by contaminating food supplies, damaging attic insulation, creating fire hazards, and incessantly gnawing on various objects. Don’t worry, Critter Bros is here to help. We offer a comprehensive rodent pest control program aimed at eradicating the current rat population within your home. Our approach typically involves employing snap traps and bait stations, complemented by habitat modifications and exclusions/seal-outs.

Rats are clever and have adapted well to living near humans, so inexperienced trappers or those relying solely on one control method may find themselves outmaneuvered. Save yourself the hassle and entrust rat pest control to the seasoned professionals at Critter Bros.

When addressing a rat infestation, it’s crucial to address the underlying causes to effectively eradicate the problem and prevent future rat invasions. Key steps include identifying entry points and understanding what attracts rats. Typically, rats are drawn to left-out food, water leaks, and cluttered areas that offer shelter. Safely storing food, securing trash cans, and promptly fixing leaks can discourage rats. Additionally, decluttering indoors and outdoors while maintaining a trimmed lawn can eliminate hiding spots and make your yard less appealing to rats.

Critter Bros specializes in locating and sealing off entry points used by rats, ensuring they cannot return in the future. Our exclusion methods are highly effective in deterring rats and other pests from your property. We also provide wildlife fencing installation around your yard, garden, foundation, or any other area to prevent rat intrusion. Contact us today for a FREE estimate at (916) 257-8739 and take your home back from these pests!

The cost of rat control services in Sacramento, CA is variable, based on how severe your rat infestation is, as well as the exact specifications of your property. We offer free inspections, so our licensed technicians can go out and determine the specifics, then provide you with an estimate for the cost of rat control. Contact us today to get started at (916) 257-8739!

Rats are notorious rodent pests, wreaking havoc by spreading diseases, contaminating food supplies and preparation areas, gnawing on wooden beams and wires, posing fire hazards, and leaving their urine and feces throughout properties. Their rapid breeding rates can lead to an explosion in population seemingly overnight.

Don’t delay in reaching out to the licensed professionals at Critter Bros if you suspect a rat infestation on your property. Offering top-notch rat control and prevention services in the Sacramento, CA region, we provide the expertise needed to tackle these troublesome rodents. Contact us today for a FREE estimate at (916) 257-8739!

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